Tuesday, August 17, 2010

CFE Cert.

Billy S. and Mike H. at the CFE Cert over the weekend at CF Atlas.

Thanks to everyone who participated in the survey. We'll be reviewing the results and working towards rolling out the official program soon!


Swim, Bike, Run. C2

45 sec on, 45 sec off,

1:30 on, 1:30 off,

3 min on, 3 min off,

6 min on, 6 min off,

3min on, 3 min off,

1:30 on, 1:30 off,

45 sec on

Watch your form to be sure you stay efficient throughout.

Post times and comments.


  1. Did this one this morning. Getting to the top of the pyramid is tough and then coming down isn't much easier. I do think my form stayed strong throughout though. The CFE running drills are really going to pay off.

  2. I knew I was in for it when the first 45 seconds felt L O N G to begin with, but got through it. Focused on lean and relaxing the feet, the latter of which I feel has really come to me. Agreed, Mike; the drills seem to be monotonous though effective.
