Thursday, August 26, 2010

New Faces!

Thursday, August 26th

Run: 5k for time

All Urbanathlon competitors will be running the 5k distance tonight. If you can't make the actual class, try and get this in today or tomorrow.


  1. 18:37
    Ran this one before class solo. Came to find out later that the original 5k course has been shortened so you no longer cross over Marcey when running on Courtland. This is a good change as the old course was definitely longer than 3.1.

    Great job to everyone who ran this evening!

  2. 22:14. 24 seconds slower than last time, but I was in far worse shape today so I'm fairly satisfied with that.

    Calves!!! (from yesterdays' WOD, not the run)

  3. 27:50 (PR!)

    Quads were pretty tired from yesterday's row but managed to hold up today. Sprinted maybe the last 200m to get in under 28. I think I can pace better.

  4. Did my run in the am. 34:42. Ouch. The good thing is, I can only get faster!

  5. Nice PR Donna! Keep coming Christina and you'll get that time down. Good job to everyone getting their runs on!

  6. Pulled up like a lame horse around Home Depot (return trip). I was at a great PR pace too. It's disappointing, but better to cut it short for a night then be out for a week.

  7. I'm going to follow Mike's advice and run a mile to see how the knee handles it. Planning on doing this tomorrow morning.

  8. Nice work everyone! No matter what your time, at least you now have a baseline to work off of and improve upon.

    The only time I don't see on here is Camey. She ran it in 25:45. Great work considering she was expecting 10:00/min miles

  9. Dunno if I was supposed to post this here or the newest post, but time today was 23:21.

    About 58 seconds lower than my PR... felt good though.

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. My time for this run was 25:45. My PR! I expected 10 min miles because I usually run to relax. Ha!

    I did have a great running partner to talk to that made this run more enjoyable and may have pushed me a little harder than usual. Thanks Mike!
