Monday, November 15, 2010


Kurt and Camey trying to stay warm before the Men's Health Urbanathlon!
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
200m, 400m, 800m - 800m, 400m, 200m
Rest = Work
The amount of rest on this will allow to go at least 90% for all distances. Push to keep the same time on the first and second rounds for each distance. Times should not deviate more than 5 seconds.
Foul = 10 Burpees for each second over 5 ... yes... I said each second over!!! So if you're 8 seconds off, that's 30 burpees!! Lean, Pull, Fall - Get those feet moving!
This is one of my favorite Endurance Wod's! Please remember to bring a watch if you have one so we can track your times appropriately! As usual, let us know if you'll be joining us! See you all tomorrow.


  1. I'm out for class both days this week but will try to get this one in on Wednesday...I'm confident my time will not deviate into the burpee penalty territory - 10/second is a huge motivator to stay on track! hahaha

  2. No go for me this evening either, sounds good though. I'll make it up later for sure.

  3. Doing this one on the track near the house tomorrow morning. Question though: when are the burpee penalties to be enforced? Immediately following the completion of each respective leg? And then does the rest period begin following the burpees? Does said rest period exclude the time it takes us to do the burpees?

  4. Despite my fear of a large number of burpees, I will be there. (gulp!)

  5. Good question Billy. Sorry I'm just getting this. Burpees are to follow the WOD. All post workout. We don't want to mess with your performance on the runs.

  6. Nice Job Christina K for going solo on this one last night. It was pretty brisk and since it was just one person we stuck to the rower last night, our best friend!!!!

    250m - 1:00.4
    500m - 2:04.7
    750m - 3:17.4
    750m - 3:21.5
    500m - 2:09.3
    250m - 1:04.2

    No burpee penalties either!!! Nice work.

    I'll be posting tomorrow's workout pretty soon... stay tuned!

  7. I rather like the idea of this one on the rower. I may give it a go this evening... if not, tomorrow.

  8. Camey and I made this up tonight. NO burpees!! Was dreading them for sure and I'm guessing she was too. This was like a weird row game, totally worked my mind. Good stuff.


    Camey: 200-52.3,400-1:39.6,800-3:26.8,800-3:25,400-1:36.9,200-47.6

    John: 200-46.1,400-130.4,800-3:11,800-3:12.3,400-1:32,200-43.8
