Thursday, November 25, 2010

Turkey Trottin'

Good luck to all of our Turkey Trotters out there! Run hard and enjoy some bird and pumpkin pie when it's all over.

Be sure to post your times and any good stories from the event.


  1. I am SOO sad to post that this turkey is not trotting today. I sprained my ankle yesterday morning playing freeze tag!! It's still swollen & pretty stiff, so it's a rest day for me.

    Good luck to everyone else, I hope you have a great Thanksgiving!

  2. I did it! Not the best time 57.39, but still under an hour and I kept pace the entire time - no walking! I may actually be hooked on running - never thought those words would come out of my mouth. Already looking up another 8k! Thanks Mike H for the programming!
