Thursday, January 6, 2011

Guess what we have?

The treadmill is here! Just when I thought it would be warm enough to run outside, you guys are saved!

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Athletes choose ONE of the following:

C2 - 5k TT
Airdyne - 20 min. RPE 90% for overall distance covered
Treadmill - 5k TT

We're leaving the choice up to you. They're all around the same time domains so pick your poison!

1 comment:

  1. Got in 12 minutes on the Airdyne directly following a PR on " DT"

    I hit 124 calories by the end of my 12 minute and a seat height change. I realized that I have some stubby legs fo sho. My body is pretty worn out from the last few days so I'm sure that I can beat this performance in the near future.

    Way to get at it on that rower Jean!
