Monday, February 21, 2011

Taper Week

Sara C. and Sarah W. doing their thing on the erg

3+ Hours Before/After CF or CFE Strength & Conditioning WOD

Select the type of workout that best suits your current programming.

Row, Run, Swim or Bike

4 x 1 Minute Max Effort - Rest Exactly 2 minutes between rounds

Option 2 for those not tapering this week:

6 x 2 Minute RPE @ 90% - Rest = 2 minutes between rounds



    Here's the link to last year's results at the CIRC. Sarah Walsh from Atlas CF rowed a 500m in around 1:39. I hope she's 6ft tall! was fun to see the times.

  2. I am tapering, and I'll be there Tuesday night.

  3. Hey Everyone - We will be tapering this week so if you have questions, please let us know.

    We're looking forward to completing the 2k challenge on Saturday.

  4. JohnK will be there Tuesday night

  5. Uh, what exactly is tapering?

    How exactly does the race work? Do you have an idea when I'll be racing? My wife and kid are gonna be there, but I didn't want them waiting around all day. Thanks!

  6. Glenn tapering is a part of training in the week or two leading up to an event where you back off the intensity and volume. The idea is to let your body rest up and get ready to compete. You can still workout but again you should be backing off the intensity and volume.

    There will be a post tomorrow morning on this site with info about the CIRC. In the meantime feel free to go to the CIRC website for a tentative schedule of events.

  7. I am in for tomorrow evening and am going to try and get going a bit early if possible -- like 4:30. If anyone is up for it let me know.

  8. Checked the CIRC website and was a little surprised to see that I have to weigh in. Will I be able to compete in the non-lightweight group if I do not make the weight?
    Also, it looks like CIRC got some of the age groups for CFC competitors wrong. I didn't review the whole list, but I caught one or two who I do not think are in the Veterans (over 50) group. Getting excited (and anxious), so forgive the blathering.

  9. Got held up at work, so I won't be there tonight.

  10. Solid class last night.

    Interval Distances
    Was seeing my best results when rowing at 32s/m. Problem is that its not sustainable for a long period of time.
