Saturday, February 19, 2011

Indoor Rowing Event

A look at the C.R.A.S.H.-B. Indoor Rowing Competition in Boston.

3+ Hours Before/After CF or CFE Strength & Conditioning WOD

Select the type of workout that best suits your current programming.

Row, Run, Swim or Bike

Interval - 30 sec. on and 20 sec. off x 10. Complete one cycle of the workout, rest 5 minutes and then go through a second time.

Tempo - 25 minutes at 90% RPE


  1. Hitting this one up on the outdoor track... too bad this wasn't Thursdays WOD; it was 60 degrees out!

  2. Get after it B Shand!

    My training plan had me lined up for a longer one this morning. 7 miles in 45:04. Recent strength work and metcons paid off. Felt strong throughout. Getting ready for that next benchmark run coming up.

  3. As it turns out, the weather wasn't the issue, the interval repeats were. The 25 mins was a nice cool down, though. No idea on distance.

  4. Did this on Sunday on the C2, but read it wrong on my phone. Did 30:10 x 10 5min rest and repeated

    R1: 1616m
    R2: 1453m
