Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Tina getting some drills in

Tina making sure that ankle is tracking up the inside of the calf.

Thursday, February 2, 2011

(TT)Time Trial:
C2: 4k Row
Run: 2.5 miles
Bike: 8k (1k on bike = 500m row)

RPE @ 100%

LC (Long Course) - 2 rounds of the above resting 5 minutes in between


  1. I can finally drive down my street!! I'll be there to rock that treadmill.

  2. Hi!
    If my car isn't still snowed in then I am going to come tonight!

  3. No go coming in till next Thurs for me so I did this earlier. Overall felt good.

    Since I went AOE on the last 2k, I tried to keep that pace pretty steady throughout. Thanks to Mike's tips the other week I didn't really deviate from it much.


    In case you don't believe me haha:

  4. Went on the treadmill: 2x 2.5 miles.
    1st round: 19:21 (7:44 pace)
    2nd round: 19:10 (7:40 pace)

    Yay! Finally a successful tempo Thursday workout. I feel like the past few Thursdays have been rough so I'm very happy with this.

  5. Hey guys!

    Got my row on @ Equinox tonight ... 4k = 16:44.3

    Really focusing on the leg drive, whereas when I first started rowing ... I was virtually ALL arms. Needless to say, my quads were screaming after this!

    Thanks for all of the great advice, Erin & Mike ... oh, and Bryce ;)

    -Sara Cook

  6. 4k: 18:49.4
    First 2k was around 9:04; better than my baseline. Still don't have the leg drive down, which frustrates me, but will keep working on it. S/m pretty steady at 24-26; first half 500m pace under 2:20, which is not bad for me. Had to fight to keep it under 2:30 in the second half. But I actually felt ok picking up the pace in the last 200m. Having AliG starting after me but finishing before me was great incentive. Good notes from Coach Erin after. Gotta remember to get my hands past my knees before I bend the knees on the return.
    Go Pack!


    My 4k time was 17:44.3!!! Don't know how I missed the typo (prob the vino:))

    -Sara Cook

  8. Great job everyone and thanks for coming in. I know everyone is still in thaw out mode form all the snow!!

  9. 4K time: 17:34

    Still trying very hard to find a strong, steady pace. My last 2K time was 8:15, so at least I'm consistent! I appreciate Erin getting me back on track when I got tired.
    Even though I'm struggling for consistency I absolutely see the difference in splits/meters rowed when I get tired vs. maintaining strong pulls. It's fun to experiment during these longer rows to see what works and what doesn't. Gotta use my legs a lot more!

  10. Did Tuesday's endurance WOD today (Friday)...hopefully I can get this one in Sunday or Monday

    Tabata Row x 2 with 3 minutes rest between rounds
    round #1 = 87, 86, 85, 85, 85, 83, 83, 85
    round #2 = 89, 87, 86, 84, 83, 83, 84, 84

  11. Holy new background batman! Good stuff. Took me a minute to realize I was in the right place.
