Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Week 4 of CIRC Training

Jenny Loves that treadmill!
Happy Birthday yesterday to Jean as well!!
Tuesday, February 8, 2011
3+ Hours Before/After CF or CFE Strength & Conditioning WOD

Chose ONE of The Following Sports:
Swim, Bike, Run, C2:
3 x 6 min intervals with 3 min rest between rounds
Maximal distance covered per round
For those of you who will be rowing - s/m should stay in the range from 24-28


  1. Looking forward to a good crew tonight!

  2. I'll do my best to get there - but may have to get this one in tomorrow

  3. I won't be there tonight....I'm sick, boo.

  4. Won't be able to make it tonight. Hopefully I'll be there Thursday!

  5. Sorry I couldn't make it again today...I'm gone all of this week for work.

    Going to be tough next week after 2 weeks of not being at the box but I'm trying to get workouts in on the road as well.

  6. Nice work everyone. This was a good challenge. I tried to keep my total distance pretty consistent but unfortunately each round resulted in a distance decrease. Oh well.

  7. 3 x 6 min. w/ 3:00 rest between rounds: 1302, 1266, 1245. Kept the s/m between 24 and 28 until the last 45 seconds or so, then went as hard as I could. Still not getting a strong enough push with my legs, but I think the return was smoother. Felt pretty bad after this one, probably because my diet went slightly awry this week, what with the Super Bowl and birthday.

  8. avg spm/distance:

    26/1522 (dropped the resistance to 4 because i wanted to increase my spm...my legs were J-E-L-L-O)

  9. 3x6 3 min rest between

    1) 1421m (Strongest pace here, but not as consistent with s/m)
    2) 1386 (All over pace-wise and used less legs)
    3) 1384 (Stronger pulls, more legs and kept my pace at 2:06-2:10 and 26-28 s/m. Most consistent on this split)
