Thursday, May 19, 2011

Happy Thursday

Brett R. making 12.0 on the treadmill look easy (even without the Hawks hat!)

3+ Hours After Strength & Conditioning WOD

Swim, Bike, Run, or C2

5k TT

It's that time again!!! It's supposed to be 72 and sunny today so be ready to workout outdoors!


  1. If anyone is interested in running for a good cause Teach For America Chicago is hosting a 5K on June 9th. Unfortunately I will be out of town and cannot attend but here is the link:

  2. I did an endurance WOD from Erin today in prep for my triathlon...

    5x1mile runs with .1-.2 mile walks in between. Had to do this on a treadmill because I was traveling and didn't bring my Garmin.

    Kept the pace at 7:30 / mile for all 5 and was pretty happy with that. Miles 3-4 were rough!

  3. Nah, nah, Glenn is making it look easy.

  4. Billy, I just tried to "like" your comment but then I realized that this wasn't facebook....

  5. Nice work Ryan!

    Greg did this 5k solo!

    19:50 - Nice work Greg!
