Thursday, May 5, 2011

How's your Race training going?

Lisa getting a good Pull!

3+ Hours After Strength & Conditioning WOD

Swim, Bike, Run, or C2

1 Mile Run - Rest 2 minutes

50 Air Squats - Rest 1 minute

3/4 Mile Run - Rest 1.5 minutes

40 Air Squats - Rest :45 seconds

1/2 Mile Run - Rest 1 minute

30 Air Squats - rest :30 seconds

1/4 Mile Run - rest :30 seconds

20 Air Squats - rest :15 seconds

200m Sprint - rest :15 seconds

10 Air Squats - DONE!

We will be heading outside for this one if the weather is nice so be prepared!!

Please bring a watch if you have one, we will all need to be watching our own clocks


  1. NO comments yet for this one! I had fun making this one up :)

  2. Hey sorry I couldn't make it yesterday. What would be a good replacement for squats since I'm still not cleared to do those yet?
