Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Favorite Local Running Spots

A look at Waterfall Glen in Darien, IL. A great place to get in a few miles.
Post some of your favorite spots to run both in around the city to Comments.

3+ Hours After Strength & Conditioning WOD

Swim, Bike, Run, or C2

We're headed outside for this one!

3 x 800m - 3 minute rest between

100% effort

Deviation penalty = 3 Burpees per second over 3 second difference


  1. Although we do have one of the coolest lakefronts, I actually really love running through neighborhoods throughout the city. I've come across new restaurants, parks, bars etc. just by exploring new hoods!

  2. Same here Erin, I just enjoy running around the neighborhoods.

    Sometimes I like to run really far West. It makes these 100% effort ones REALLY 100%. Haha

  3. Hahahaha! Yeah I'm sure. Anything past Western and you're prtty much running at about 120% :)

  4. I actually really like running through Humbolt park. I usually reserve that for my morning runs, definitely don't want to be running through there after a certain time. ;) The north shore channel trail (I think that's the name?) is a great alternative to the lake shore trail too!

  5. Someone told me about a park East of the city that has a huge tobaggon track with a ton of stairs going up it... I can't for the life of me remember it. Anyone know where it is? ... I'm a glutton for pain, I feel the need to run some stairs!

  6. Where is the start and turn around point for the 800m run?

  7. did this thursday AM by myself...georgeF would not oblige my offer to partake...

    2:47/2:49/2:48...felt like i was running in cement after yesterday's CFconstruct WOD. NO BURPEES!
