Thursday, May 26, 2011

Tina T.'s Success Story

Tina T. finishing up the Lakefront 10 Miler!

On April 10th I ran my 1st Shamrock Shuffle. This wasn't my 1st time running 5 miles, but it had definitely been awhile. Shortly before this race I took the Fast Track classes through Crossfit Chicago Endurance. Those sessions definitely made me aware of my "improper" running form and tendency to heel strike. Practicing the Pose method of running, as well as the various endurance workouts definitely made a difference in my stride. Unfortunately the hot weather that day, as well as the 45 minute wait in my sunny corral to start the race, played into my 1:01.18 finish time. However, I had the following weekend to improve at the Lakefront 10-miler

Utilizing the endurance workouts posted on the Crossfit Chicago Endurance website, and the Coaches' suggestions to do more interval work througout the week, really helped me acheive my quicker mile times. I am definitely not an avid runner... heck, I'll even admit that most of the time I don't like to run, but it definitely felt like a great accomplishment to finish the Lakefront 10-miler in 1:48:04.3. I had never run more than 7 miles before this race. It was also cold, wet and windy. I did not allow myself to walk once. I paced myself and actually felt great after the race. I definitely attribute most, if not all of that personal success, to my Crossfit and Crossfit Endurance training and workouts. If you would've asked me a year ago if I would voluntarily run and finish a 10 mile race, I probably would've laughed out loud. Considering I could barely break a 12 minute mile, running an 8k would've been a stretch. But I completed an 8k and a 10-miler in 1 week, and I owe a lot of that accomplishment to the kick in the butt I get at Crossfit Chicago.

3+ Hours After Strength & Conditioning WOD

We will most likley be inside tomorrow if it's raining so here are our options:

C2 - 3 x 1k - Rest 2 minute between rounds

Run - 3 x 800m Run - Rest 2 minute between rounds


  1. Bee awhile since I hit the erg. 3 x 1k w/resistance at 4:


  2. AWESOME JOB, TINA!! Thanks so much for sharing your story!
