Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Drills and Sprints

Karen in the "4" position. (Photo Credit Erin Cunningham)

POSE Skill work - POSE drills with emphasis on the Pose, Fall and Pull.

2 Rounds of:

1min on 3 min off,

1min on 3 min off,

1min on 3 min off

Cover as much distance as possible while maintaining proper form.

Post Comments and Distances


  1. Hahahahahaha... oh my goodness that's funny, Michael. Also, nice work on getting this post up exactly at the turn. Impressive. See you all tonight.

  2. and where will we be doing this???

  3. Glad you enjoyed William. Just want to give my partner props.

    Abbey we'll most likely do this on Elston going north. I was thinking we'd use the 400m route that way during the rest we can pace off how far we covered by walking back to the start.

    We're planning on doing a little field trip Thursday to break up the monotony of running in the area. Stay tuned for the location.

  4. im on the edge of my seat!!!!

    see you at 6pm!

    i hope flavor flav is there!

  5. Abbey, did you see Flavor Flav? I heard some super loud tick tocking when I was pulling into the parking garage, but quickly dismissed it as some sort of crude (or cartoon) bomb.

    Intervals went something like this, ish:
    360, 345, 350, 360, 368, 363

    I'm pretty close to being officially over running on that stretch of sidewalk...
