Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Tabata and the Beach

Interval Day

Tabata running Interval
8 Rounds of 20 seconds on and 10 seconds off
Cover as much distance as possible.

After the Tabata Interval we're going to do some stretching and
finish up by 6:45. Then for those of you who are interested we're
going to ride our bikes down to Oak St. beach to join the CFC crew
for the WOD with Lululemon. See main CFC site for full details.


  1. Nice. I plan on riding my bike to the beach from Lincoln Park and I welcome others to join me! I believe Coach January is doing the same.

  2. The beach WOD was super fun! Cheers to CFE Coach January for teaming up with Rudy, Suzanne and myself, and turning in a solid group effort. Abbey, you were right about those bear crawls... going into walking lunges after those in that deep sand was a burner!

  3. Agreed Billy. The beach WOD was a great time. Nice work to Jonny, Erin, Rudy and the folks at Lululemon for pulling it all together.

    Anyone who didn't take part in the CFE WOD with the group but did it on their own, feel free to post your results and let us know how it went for you.

  4. Yeah! yesterday was fun!!! and tough!
    any pictures???

    I didnt do the CFE WOD, but I did play water polo with a bunch of camp kids the past two days and have a WHOLE new respect for the endurance of water polo players!

    See everyone tomorrow

  5. im still trying to figure out how to add a picture to my name....

  6. Thanks to everyone that came down to support the Beach WOD. I hope you guys had fun.
