Erin Cunningham
This is going to sound stupid, but I figured this was a great time to bring up the topic. Many of us have Company holiday and Family parties, possible vacations and other celebrations coming up over the next couple of weeks. We all know how difficult it is to pass up those delicious homemade cookies that Aunt Judy makes, the potato casserole your mom perfects, or maybe your weakness is picking those delicious Peppermint Latte’s from Starbucks on your way to work. Whatever it is, we need to find a way to monitor the intake of all things non-paleo.We all find ways to justify the things that we choose to eat. I’m guilty of this as well. My post paleo challenge diet was ridiculous and lasted a little over a week. I enjoyed Lucky Charms, pizza, pasta; the list goes on and on. The key is to find a way to control these urges for bad food and plan for upcoming parties throughout the holidays without completely killing our fitness gains.
Many of our coaches have written about setting goals and coming up with a plan to hit those goals. Again, you don’t have to have the desire to ever compete for the CrossFit games, but we all have things that we want to improve on. It’s very easy to allow ourselves to fall off the wagon over the next month or so and just make the excuse of starting over at the New Year.
So, here’s the challenge. Join me in setting 1-2 personal/fitness goals for the remainder of the year. For me, I would like to fall under my current body weight by 4 lbs., have successfully completed at least 4 main site WOD’s, and run at least 6 miles per week. These sound pretty minimal, but I can say that I haven’t actually gotten out and ran in over 3 weeks and I’m definitely heavier than where I want to be at the moment.Here are a few things that I’m going to be doing to try and hit these goals:
- Monday and Wednesday AM – Main Site WOD’s
- Cheat Meals per week during the holidays and I will plan accordingly
- Use my active rest days to incorporate running and yoga
- Keep a daily Nutrition and Workout log to keep me accountable
These are just a few things that I’m going to be doing to maintain my level of fitness and make sure to get through the holidays without major damage to my overall fitness. It’s this easy. Document what you’re eating and what you are doing to hit these goals. If you want/need more of a structured plan of what to eat and when, let one of the coaches help you. That’s what we’re here for!! We all know how easy it is to fall off track during the holidays, but you have to have discipline to maintain your elite fitness status of being a CrossFit athlete.Post your goals here and share with everyone, if you’re comfortable, what you plan on doing over the next month!!
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