Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Tabata - ish!!!

We love the garage!

Tuesday, December 7th, 2010

3 sets on C2 of:
:20 sec on :10 sec off for 3 min.

Rest 1:30 between sets


  1. Good job to those who made it in last night.

    R1 - 575m
    R2 - 578m
    R3 - 564m

    R1 - 571m
    R2 - 577m
    R3 - 550m

    Great seeing three new faces at the Fast Track last night! Look forward to having you join the regular CFCE classes soon.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Did this one today with Sarah W after the CF WOD

    R1 - 583m
    R2 - 595m
    R3 - 571m

    I was a big fan of this workout...the breaks helped to let me go all out on my rows

    We used the tabata timer and just let the meters run on our last pull of 20 seconds of work...not sure if this is how you guys did it on Tuesday or not

  4. Nice work Gina and Sarah. Good to get these in when you can!

  5. I didn't let the meters run over, so my figures look puny compared to GP. booo

    3 rounds
    :20 on/:10 off for 3min
    rest 90 seconds

    rd1: 574
    1) 98
    2) 97
    3) 97
    4) 97
    5) 94
    6) 91

    rd2: 549
    1) 98
    2) 95
    3) 86
    4) 95
    5) 89
    6) 86

    rd3: 561
    1) 96
    2) 95
    3) 95
    4) 93
    5) 91
    6) 91
